Thursday 19 March 2009

Alcohol Use

Hi, I found an intresting article regarding teenage alcohol abuse. The article suggests that consuming large amounts of alcohol increases the risk of being raped, engaging in multiple unprotected sexual relations and commiting suicide. The health risks to teenagers as a result of drinking are obvious but this article highlights some of the less obvious health risks. However underage drinking is something im sure everyone has done so is it bed or is it just bad for you???? Society has a tendancy to view something which can have negative effects on your health as a irresponsible behaviour. Smoking drinking and drug use are all seen in a negative light by many but are the people engaging in these behaviours really hurting anyone??? Personally I don't care what people do as long as they don't effect me. I also think that these people who shout about what they think is right or wrong when it doesn't even effect them should mind their own buisness.

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