Hi, I thought benifit fraud was an intresting topic for a blog because I know that many people who work feel strongly about people taking tax payers money without reason. There are people out there who claim to be disabled when they aren't. I really don't see any reason for this I think that it is unfair on people who are really disabled. The fact that there are so many people claiming money which they are not entitled too and abusing the systam means that there is less money for the peole who need it. OK I understand that people may be struggleing and feel the need to commit benifit fraud as a last resort and I feel truely sorry for them, but with the system that is in place now and the opputunity for concil accomodation etc. there must be other ways to go about getting money or work.
I personally feel that the worse cases are those where birth certificates of children sometimes dead children are taken and used to claim money. To me I think that this is completely heartless how can someone use the birth certificate of their dead child to make money. I don't see any excuse for it .
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