Thursday, 26 March 2009


stealing is regarded as bad by the fair majority of tyhe population however is all types of stealing bad and are they all as bad as each other is stealinfg from a large company as bad as stealing from a individual. Is it worse to steal off someone you know and has placed trust in you than someone you have never seen before. Is it worse yet to steal off your own granny. i find it very intresting that the majority of people will say they disagree with stealing but then when questioned willn say that certain types of stealing are worse than others. why is this what is it about stealin which makes us view it vworse to steal from a big company than stealing from our own granny?? What about piarate DVD's we have all seen the advertisements telling us that piaracy is steakling but still so many continue to by copied DVD's. What about downloading music from limewire or Utorrent. Im sure its something the majority of us have done yet we go on saying stealing is wrong!! I think thuis works on the same principle as lying we say it is bad but then distinguish between which types of stealing are acceptable. I have included a link to a page showing different types of theft and satistics.

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